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How to change your life for the better.

We all have one question that how we can change our life better? 
 here's the answer. 


"your life will get better when you decide to get better"  

      The most effective effort you ever made for better lifestyle is to learning. We all have a lot to learn our life like by our own mistakes,by other people mistakes (but if you really wanna to learn), by past, by reading books, watching series and movies. If you do so make it practice in your life. Practice is the best way to improve your life for the better. I believe the change in myself even if its from good past or bad past, I always wanting to change myself for the better and better who I was before.


"look in the mirror that's your competition"  

Your competition is who and what you did yesterday and try to do more then yesterday. 


  1. Great read! The takeaway is simple but something we over look daily - focus on competing with myself and you will improve my life!

    Thanks for writing this!

    1. Glad! You like it. For more lifestyle blogs follow.

  2. Change can only happen if you're WANT to change. Being told you have to certainly doesn't want. You have to have the desire to lead a better life and look forward to a brighter future. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Exactly! Great to look forward for bright tomorrow.

  3. I'm all ready for like to get better! I'm taking 3 months (mostly) off from my blog and about to go find JOY :P

  4. This is so true! Things can only get better if DECIDE to make them better. It has to start and end with us. Love your statement about competition, in the end we are only competing with ourselves.

    1. Definitely! That's really good to improve ourselves for the better.

  5. Well written and its true that anything can be changed if you decide

  6. Very nice thought. You can change your life although you know better abt yourself. Lol Fun


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